Heroes 5周年字母啤BBAIMSwPBCN&V



BBAIMSwPBCN&V Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial Milk Stout with Peanut Butter Cacao Nibs and Vanilla (5th Anniversary Beer) hEROES就嚟5歲生日喇,延續每年傳統,我哋特別釀製咗一款五週年紀念版「字母啤」BBAIMSwPBCN&V。 由好似甜品一樣嘅雲尼拿、波本威士忌、花生醬同牛奶朱古力香氣開始,緊隨住帶有黑朱古力、特濃咖啡豆、拖肥、提子乾同馬拉斯奇諾車厘子嘅麥芽香氣。 扎實嘅苦味同帶有複雜麥芽甜味嘅順滑酒體互相平衡,加上美國波本橡木桶為呢款五週年啤酒帶嚟更有層次嘅結尾,就好似一款令你停唔到口嘅液態甜品咁,慢慢細味品嚐。 We're turning 5 years old, so we've decided to throw all of our favourite ingredients into this! BBAIMSwPBCN&V starts with dessert-like aromas of bourbon vanilla, peanut butter, and milk chocolate. Follows through with a layered malt profile of dark chocolate, espresso beans, toffee, raisin, and maraschino cherry. Drinks with a firm bitterness that’s well balanced by the complex malt sweetness and velvety body. Subtle American oak characters add complexity to the long finish of this liquid dessert and keep you going for just a little sip more. Style:Barrel-aged Imperial Milk Stout ABV:10.5% IBU:65 Vol:650ml Made in Hong Kong 🔞根據香港法律, 不得在業務過程中, 向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。 🔞Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.

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