Heroes Beer Co✖️LockCha Beer 玫瑰紅茶季節啤ROSE RED TEA SAISON



Collaboration with LockCha 樂茶軒 由玫瑰花同花蜜嘅優雅香氣開始,緊接係杏脯、黑胡椒同吹波糖嘅味道。烤烘麥芽配上紅茶單寧,加強咗啤酒嘅整體結構。收結清爽,餘韻有一絲由酵母帶嚟嘅甜美果香。 Starts with elegant aromas of rose pedals and wild flower honey, followed by apricot, black pepper and bubblegum. The toasty malt base and red tea tannins give the beer more structure. Finishes crisp and dry but leaves a fruity sweet impression from the yeast characters. STYLE:Saison ABV:5.5% IBU:15 Vol:330ml Made in Hong Kong 🔞根據香港法律, 不得在業務過程中, 向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。 🔞Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.

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