

⭐️Sencha Here at the Hop Hooligans Institute we take great pride on messing with other people’s cultures, especially the most taboo of their rituals. So we hope that Japanese tea masters will be able to manage with Earl Grey or chamomile during their fancy ceremonies, because we stole their precious whole leaf green tea for a special brew. Hops can take a break, but just for a second or so, because there’s a new fruity, aromatic botanical in the house. So take a deep bow and welcome Sencha into your lives. And into your gullets. STYLE:Japanese Tea Pale Ale ABV:5% IBU:N/A ⭐️Spirals Within Spirals Water, Grains (Extra pale pilsner, Oat flakes, Wheat malt), Hops (Nelson Sauvin, Idaho 7, Citra Cryo), Yeast (London Ale III) There's something up with you lately, and it feels like a bit of a pattern. Winding and slick climbing plants and ferns seem to captivate your attention, as does the random, passing rain-drenched snail, but also any salt-aged, lonely seashell. Stairs seem to make you nauseous, so you try to avoid them. Seems better to stay at home, at times, rather than venturing out there, with... them. STYLE:IPA ABV:6% IBU:30 ⭐️Stronger Together V6 Water, Grains(Extra pale, Flaked oats), Hops (Pink Boots Blend 2023), Yeast (London ale III) Doar împreună putem construi o societate în care femeile și fetele se simt în siguranță, iar drepturile lor sunt respectate. Împreună construim o lume sigură pentru femei. Trimite SMS cu textul FILIA la 8864 și donează 4 euro lunar pentru drepturile femeilor din România. STYLE:DDH NEIPA ABV:7% IBU:20 ⭐️Sudo Juice { "recipe": { "grains": ["Heidelberg", "Oat flakes", "Wheat malt"], "hops": ["Kohia Nelson", "Nectaron", "Idaho 7"], "yeast": "London Ale III" }, "ABV": 6 } STYLE:IPA ABV:6% IBU:10 ⭐️State of Flow Water, barley malt, wheat malt, oat malt, oat flakes, hops (Citra DynaBoost™, Citra Cryo, Citra BBC), yeast. Water is the perpetual shapeshifter. It molds itself around creases and edges, borrowing outlines provided by anything it can touch. It patiently crunches and chips away at these surfaces, creating its own, new patterns and designs. It steals bits and chunks off the ground, seemingly preserving their margins at first, but in time crushing to oblivion said ephemeral fragments. Everything erodes. Everything curves and bends, gets wrangled in and bows to the unending streams of water. There's no chance of fighting it. Let the state of flow embrace you. STYLE:DDH NEIPA ABV:6% IBU:20 ⭐️Miracle Juice Water, Grains (Heidelberg, Heidelberg wheat, Oat flakes), Hops (Nectaron, Eclipse, Strata, Citra), Yeast (London Ale III) Gather 'round, gather all! This concoction we're now holding is the key to all your well-being and success. Insomnia? Gulp a few and you'll sleep like a suckling baby. Got the jitters? This will steady that anxious heart in a second. Feeling a bit too worse for wear? Just a few drops and you'll be up and at 'em in no time. Contradictory information? I beg to differ! On the plus side, it's botanical. And tutti frutti flavoured. Can't get any better than that. STYLE:DDH NEIPA ABV:6% IBU:30 ⭐️Crawling Distance Water, Grains (Heidelberg malt, Golden Promise, Oat malt, Oat flakes, Wheat malt, Dextrin malt), Hops (Cryo Pop® Blend, HBC 522, Sabro Cryo, Mosaic T90, Nelson Sauvin Hop Kief), Yeast (London Ale III) STYLE:DDH NEDIPA ABV:8% IBU:30 ⭐️Briefcase Boogie Water, Grains(Heidelberg malt, Chit malt), Hops (Zappa, Amarillo, Mosaic), Yeast (WLP001) Think of it as an easy deal, see? You fork over solid stacks of moolah earned with all the sweat of your brow—then you get more precious bumps of that juicy, sexy stuff that gets you going. That blast that you can't get enough of. The beat that keeps the monkey on your back for just a few more days. Play it ice cold cool and you walk away with a full case of the boogies. STYLE:DDH West Coast IPA ABV:8% IBU:50 ⭐️Hot Springs Deluxe Water, Grains (Heidelberg, Malted oats, Flaked oats, Dextrin), Hops (Sabro, Belma, Sorachi Ace), Calamansi, Yuzu, Maltodextrin, Dextrose, Yeast (London Ale III) Say goodbye to 5$ bath bomb soaks at your local bathhouse. It's time for a real cultural experience—the ultimate unwinding package. This onsen is just for you, set at the right temperature by nature itself, spiced with exotic, fragrant citrus fallen straight from the winding trees above it. And there's absolutely no time limit. Enjoy this slice of peace and tranquility. At least until the capybaras and the snow monkeys arrive. STYLE:DDH DIPA ABV:8% IBU:30 ⭐️Berry Me Alive - Berries and Rhubarb Ice Cream Sour Water, barley malt, oat malt, wheat malt, oat flakes, fruit puree (rhubarb, blackberry, raspberry, blueberry), dextrose, maltodextrin, ice cream powder, hops, yeast, potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate. Vegan. Lactose free There's treasure in the bramble! — they say. And so there is — vibrant rubies and sapphires, blipping in the darkness, settled across long pink laces. But no treasure sits unguarded. Just a few steps in and you'll be sinking, with perfumed sludge running down your throat, and strong vines firmly locking your limbs in place. Shiny coils of red and blue, pulling you down. STYLE:Smoothie Sour ABV:6% IBU:N/A ⭐️Pocket Sourpuss - Mango Cherry Ice Cream Sandwich Sour Water, Grains (Extra pale, Oat malt, Wheat malt, Oat flakes), Hops (Why?), Extra (Mango puree, Sweet cherry puree, Sour cherry puree, Dextrose, Maltodextrin, Ice cream powder, Potassium Sorbate, Sodium Benzoate.), Yeast (Philly Sour, LA III), Lactose free. Be wary this season. There’s no telling what the night breeze might bring in through the window. If misfortune has you in its sights, you might be receiving a surprise visit from a rather grim, dark figure that you’ll find paws deep into your fruit cupboard. Next time drink your sour beer fresh and maybe you won’t attract bad company such as the Sourpuss. STYLE:Smoothie Sour ABV:5% IBU:N/A ⭐️Rainbow Eyes - Raspberry, Passion Fruit Ice Cream Sour Vegan & Lactose free. Woah boy! You gotta try these new filters on. Legit messes up your mindwaves, bruh. Turns bleak and grey and non-groovy into whatever this polychromatic twister is. Anything goes—of course that rainbow- puking unicorn over there is real. And that's definitely soft serve shooting out of him. Tummy's working hand in hand with that new warped vision, so best not leave those killer munchies outta check. Dig in, or dig yourself in. And please do not the cat. STYLE:Smoothie Sour ABV:6% IBU:N/A Vol:500ml Made in Romania 🔞根據香港法律, 不得在業務過程中, 向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。 🔞Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.
