

BLOOM Jasmine Green Tea 有機茉莉花加入有機綠茶,令茶葉慢慢吸收清香茉莉味。經過發酵過程,變成酸酸甜甜、花果口味的發酵茶。 抗氧化同有效舒緩壓力,每天嘅首選。 The original Taboocha. Organic Jade Cloud green tea is infused with the fresh fragrance of jasmine in this balanced and inviting kombucha. Gentle and soothing with an elegantly heady floral aroma and an aftertaste of white fruit (especially white grapes), it is a go-to brew for the day to day. ROASTED OOLONG 碳焙烏龍 (鐵觀音)加入茶菌母發酵 1 個月,無添加純茶菌。味道層次有可可、玄米、酸提子乾。 Single origin kombucha fermented with Roasted Oolong (iron goddess).Tasting notes: Creamy cacao, Toasted rice, Tart raisins HAPPY POTION Passionfruit Turmeric Green Tea 有機霧綠綠茶配上芳香熱情果茸,充滿豐富維生素C。加上「超級食物」薑黃,酸酸甜甜享受抗炎抗氧化功效,增強免疫力。 Fruity and tangy, this refreshing, tropical, and juicy passionfruit kombucha is based on organic Jade Cloud green tea. A delicious way to add turmeric into your everyday for its wonderful anti-inflammatory benefits. GEUNG Goji Berry Ginger Green Tea 採用自家慢渣新鮮薑汁*。醒神薑辣加上清甜有機杞子,養生明目好選擇。不定時會用有機本地種植薑 A bold blend with a ginger* "kick" that will bring you back to your senses. Combined with organic goji berries to energise your mind! Organic locally grown ginger whenever available. BEAUTIFUL RANGERS Lychee Rose Black Tea 有機紅茶融入荔枝加上法國粉紅玫瑰,清香果味濃 Organic Yunnan kung fu black tea infused with French pink rosebuds, lychee, and hibiscus. Winey, floral, kind of like raspberry sorbet. CALAMANSI Green Tea 柑橘是金橘和青檸的雜交品種,具有獨特的清爽柑橘風味,甜度和酸度均衡。東南亞風味濃厚。 Citrus party. A light refreshing sparkling “lime” tea! Hybrid between kumquat and lime, calamansi has a unique refreshing citrus flavor, with a balanced sweetness and tartness. Iconic Southeast Asian flavor. SALTY LIME Green Tea 靈感來自香港茶餐廳的鹹檸七,濕濕酸酸特別醒神! A tribute to “Harm Ling 7”, a local favorite. Tasting note: Sweet, sour, savory, taste of cha chaan teng. Weirdly addictive. TOM YUM PINEAPPLE Green Tea 靈感來自泰國冬陰公,綠茶配上冬陰加埋菠蘿,齊齊發酵益生菌兼且要凍飲,創出獨特酸辣口味。 Our favorite Thai delicacy with a dose of pineapple. Sweet, sour & citrusy, with just a kick of chili. 250ml

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