

《Wine.Luxe》首次與對品質具極高要求的本地手工氈酒品牌《N.I.P 無名氏》聯 乘,特意在蒸餾的過程中加入棉花糖,調配成專屬於棉花糖口味「花火 HANABI」 的味道。棉花糖口味氈酒口感甜美且富層次的香氣,簡單搭配通寧水便能輕易調 配出迷人的味道。在瓶內飄浮的銀箔彷如漫天飄雪的冬日仙境,為情人節添上浪 漫醉人氣息。 為延續第一支夏日「花火 HANABI」的設計概念,瓶身標籤將繼續以貓咪為主角。 《Wine.Luxe》有幸邀請到韓國人氣插畫家 Nyangsongi,以冬日仙境為靈感,設計 出極具冬日氣息的標籤。標籤上兩隻小貓當當與米米亦已換上暖和的圍巾與毛帽, 在浪漫的雪山上點起花火,帶領您漫遊漫天飛雪的浪漫香甜國度! 《Wine.Luxe》將首批推出 400 支棉花糖口味「花火 HANABI」,每支均具獨立號 碼標示,別具珍藏價值,更是佳節送禮首選。 品鑑筆記: 聞起來的香氣獨特、甜美且芳香,並糅合 N.I.P 無名氏珍稀氈酒獨有的香氣與熟悉的棉花糖香甜感及雲尼拿氣息。 在口感方面,「花火 HANABI」保留了 N.I.P 無名氏珍稀氈酒的特色之處,同時以 棉花糖甜美口感勾勒出清新的梨子和柑橘香氣。輕啜一小口,溫度的改變讓酒液釋出更多來自茶葉、陳皮和辛香料等沈隱的香氣。其優雅香甜的餘韻繚繞,為悠長、甜美、富層次的口感畫上完美句號。 Come take a walk in the Winter Wonderland and enjoy a snowy marshmallow world with Adam and Mi! They have put on their scarves and beanies to welcome the winter, how about you? Stay warm with someone you love and have a glass of GIN with MARSHMALLOW flavor, Cheers! HANABA - record the winter-ful adventure of two kittens in this festive season. has collaborated with N.I.P to introduce to you the winter edition of “HANABI GIN”, with silver leaf to create the snowy atmosphere. The light and sweet flavour will remind you of a perfect blanket of freshly fallen snow. Each “HANABI GIN” marked an individual number with only 400 bottles of winter marshmallow edition in the first batch, it is a highly collectable item! Tasting Note: On the nose, the aroma is unique, sweet and fragrant, and combines the best of both worlds with the fragrance of N.I.P Rare Dry Gin, together with the familiar sweetness and vanilla scent of Marshmallow. On the palate, the original character of N.I.P Rare Dry Gin stays, but with a twist.The gin is marshmallow and juniper forward to begin with, followed by the refreshing pear and citrus notes.Upon swirling on the tongue, more of the subtle flavours from the tea, aged tangerine peels and warm spices will begin to surface.The finishing is graceful with lingering sweetness, rounding off a long, soothing and complex palate. Ingredients: Over 20 different botanicals ranging from traditional botanicals of distilled gin to ones that represent the city’s own flavour. Specially added with MARSHMALLOW flavour and silver leaves. STYLE:Gin ABV:43% Vol:500ml Made in Hong Kong *送貨注意事項* 若果購買此Gin而需要送貨上門,全單價格需高於$900。 🔞根據香港法律, 不得在業務過程中, 向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。 🔞Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.

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