清新!舒暢!檸檬蘇打啤酒 Radler



甫一開瓶已充滿檸檬香氣🍋,入口的第一個感覺:果然是Lemonade。但第二啖開始滲出啤酒的清爽香氣,有意思。🍻 啤酒➕Lemonade的配合富有層次,在清甜與香爽間遊走,沒有不識趣的酸味打擾。🍹 飲畢保持此酒廠一貫風格,口腔充滿清泉的滿足感。💦 Ingredients:45% beer (water, barley malt, hops) 55% lemonade (contains antioxidants) ABV:2.5% IBU:7 Vol:330ml RuhrGold Radler is the refreshing combination of RuhrGold lager and pure natural lemon juice. This natural combination is brewed in Germany according to the Reinheitsgebot. Be surprised by this delicious fresh thirst quencher. Style: With a balance of sweet and tart flavors, this light-bodied style delivers a crisp, refreshing finish Flavor: Fresh, citrusy, tangy, slightly malty, subtly hoppy, moderate tartness, finishing slightly sweet from the citrus Aroma: Bright lemon notes with a citrusy aroma Mouthfeel: Quick finish with so me perceived acidity, light carbonation Food Pairings - Cheese: Raders add a bright, fruity contrast to earthy cheeses like Brie or Fresh Chevrolet and pair with the creamy texture - Meats: The subtle sweetness in the Radler contrasts the saltiness and savoriness of pork or cured meats perfectly, a casual turkey sandwich or a brisket with a citrusy BBQ sauce 🔞根據香港法律, 不得在業務過程中, 向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。 🔞Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.



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