最新產品 New Arrival
產地 Made in
HK 香港
Black Kite
carbon brews / hEROES
Citibrew 城釀 / 吹啤啤
Deadman / OhBeer
HK Beer Co / Moonzen 門神
H.K. Lovecraft
DoubleHaven / DragonWater
Yardley Brothers
Young Master 少爺
Cocktails / Fruit Wine
Gin / Whisky
Tea / Soda
Asia 亞洲
Japan 日本
清酒 Sake
甜酒 Liqueur
琴酒 Gin
精釀啤酒 Craft Beer
Taiwan 台灣
食禾 / 嘉農農產
台風造酒Taiwan Wind
Australia 澳洲
New Zealand 紐西蘭
Belgium比利時 / Trappist修道院
Abbey / Trappist
Sour / Saison / Wild Ale
Porter / Stout
Flanders Red
Fruit Beer
Eastern Europe 東歐
Western Europe 西歐
Northern Europe 北歐
Russia 俄羅斯
UK 英國 / Ireland 愛爾蘭
USA 美國 / Canada 加拿大
South Africa 南非
South America 南美洲
類別 Style
Lager 拉格啤酒|清爽輕盈
Ale 愛爾啤酒|果香散溢
Saison / Wild
Pale Ale
Porter / Stout
Trappist / Abbey
Wood Aged Beer 陳釀啤酒
Cocktail 雞尾酒 / Liqueur 甜酒
Fruit Wine 果酒 / Mead 蜂蜜酒
Hard Seltzer 梳打酒 / Ginger Beer 薑啤
Spirit 烈酒
Sake 清酒
Non-alcohol drink 非酒
GurBeer Selection
清爽之選 Refresh Selection
果香之選 Fruity Selection
啤酒花之選 Hoppy Selection
酒花の果香 FruityBeerSelection
甜品之選 Dessert Selection
麥芽之選 Malty Selection
茶香之選 Tea Aroma Selection
調酒之選 Mix&Match Selection
花香之選 Floral Selection
可可咖啡之選 CoCoffee Selection
烘焙煙燻之選 Roasted / Smoked
香料之選 Spiced Selection
套裝優惠 Set Offer
小食 Snack
玻璃酒杯 Glass
開瓶器 Beer Bottle Opener
禮袋/盒 Gift Package
啤酒小知識 Beer Knowledge
啤酒小知識 Beer Knowledge
Sudden Death Brewing IPA / SMOOTHIE SOUR / STOUT
Grindhouse Movie Night 2025
Shedding Skin
Infestation Affliction
Depths Below
Death Ascension
One More Quarter
Space Doom Vacuum
Niche Peach Connoisseur 5000
St. Patrick's Day
⭐️Grindhouse Movie Night 2025 Our feature best coast IPA with rotating hops. Generously hopped with hotside with HBC 682, Cascade, Amarillo, Kohatu; dip hopped with @yakimachiefeu DynaBoost Mosaic; heavily dry hopped with Mosaic, Cascade, Amarillo, Kohatu, and a pinch of Chinook. Stonefruit, watermelon, pine, weed. STYLE:DDH West Coast IPA ABV:6.6% ⭐️Shedding Skin Bold, smooth, and flavourful, this hazy single was double dry hopped with Mosaic (DynaBoost, T-90), Chinook. Berries, kush, pine. STYLE:DDH IPA ABV:6% ⭐️Infestation Affliction 'Crawling swarm, floorboard to ceiling... ...sprawling forms, dreadful feeling' 100% hotside hopped with Citra (T-90, DynaBoost); heavily double dry hopped with Citra, Amarillo. Sweet citrus, mango, pine. STYLE:DDH DIPA ABV:8.5% ⭐️Depths Below ‘It’s not down on any map; true places never are.’ Our second collab with our Sallanches (FR)-via-Frisco (USA) friends @outerrangealps and first with Nelson-based New Zealand hop growers @freestylehops. Double dry hopped single hop Double IPA with all Nelson Sauvin formats (Nelson Sauvin T-90, Super Sauvin, Nelson Bliss T-90, Nelson Hop Kief) showcasing the up-and-coming Nelson Bliss (late harvest Nelson Sauvin) from Freestyle Hops. Creamy, delicate, and tropical. STYLE:DDH DIPA ABV:8% ⭐️Death Ascension Temple of purest gold, tower of madness. Hotside (mash, boil, dip) hopped with Citra T-90, @barthhaasx El Dorado Incognito; heavily triple dry hopped with alternating ratios of Citra (T-90, Cryo, HyperBoost), El Dorado (T-90, Cryo). Dense, juicy, fruity, dry. STYLE:TDH TIPA ABV:10% ⭐️One More Quarter Down to the wire, we got One More Quarter for you to hedge your bets This breakfast smoothie-inspired Fruit Sour was conditioned on strawberry, banana, mango - and as always - rounded out with vanilla and sea salt. You win! I win! We all win! STYLE:Fruited Sour ABV:6% ⭐️Space Doom Vacuum - Smoothie Sour The Primeval One. Our ‘Big Bang’ Sour. Space Doom Vacuum cemented our standing as one of the top fruit sour brewers in Europe. This fruit bomb was conditioned on a whopping 500 g. / L of blackcurrant, sweet cherry, and sour cherry purée and concentrate, and rounded out with vanilla and sea salt. Still fresh, luxurious, and flavourful as ever. STYLE:Smoothie Sour ABV:6% ⭐️Niche Peach Connoisseur 5000 Niche Peach Connoisseur 5000 continues our series of giant totalitarian robots imposing themselves on us puny humans! We conditioned this colossus on a whopping 500 g. / L of peach, mirabelle plum, and apricot purée and concentrate. We then tamed this stonefruit brute with an an inkling of vanilla and sea salt, smoothing it out. STYLE:Smoothie Sour ABV:6% ⭐️St. Patrick's Day Stout Pints? Pints! Rich and creamy with an unwavering foam, our St. Patrick’s Day Stout will have you cheering “Pints! Pints! Pints!” So, “Pints?” you say? “Pints!” we reply! STYLE:Stout ABV:4.5% IBU:N/A Vol:440ml Made in Germany 🔞根據香港法律, 不得在業務過程中, 向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。 🔞Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.